An Embedded Operating System with a Graphical System Performance Monitor on Raspberry π

code by Kaloyan Krastev

Last update: Friday 24th May, 2024, revision: 3111


Figure 1: Raspberry π - 4 - model B behind a Kuman Capacitive 7” touchscreen TFT LCD module

table of contents

1 introduction
2 metadata
2.1 structure
2.1.1 recipes
2.1.2 targets
2.1.3 layers
2.2 meta-thc
2.3 automation
3 configuration
3.1 directives
3.2 classes
4 build
4.1 requirements
4.2 environment
4.3 flow
5 install
6 run
7 outlook

1 introduction

These interactive instructions[6] follow the configuration and build of a Linux-based operating system (OS) for Raspberry π[9]. The goal of the project is a compact and deterministic OS with a running graphical user interface (GUI) system performance monitor application[7]. Standard command-line interface (CLI) tools ensure device remote access and control. The build is done with Yocto[11].

There are several steps organized in corresponding sections as follows. Read in Section 2 how to fetch metadata. Section 3 shows how to configure the OS build. In Section 4 learn how to build the OS image and see how to copy image to SD card in Section 5. Section 6 is dedicated to post-install issues like the configuration of the WiFi interface from the command line.

2 metadata

In current context, metadata is a set of instructions to build targets. The build configuration is managed via files with extension conf. They define configuration variables to control the build process.

2.1 structure

Basic concepts needed to understand metadata structure follow.

2.1.1 recipes

The instructions are organized as recipes in files with the bb extension. There are also files with the bbappend extension designed to modify recipes and bitbake classes with the suffix bbclass for instructions shared between recipes. See a full list of metadata file types in Table 2.

2.1.2 targets

The target may be a software (SW) package or group of packages. The target may also be a complete OS image.

2.1.3 layers

Metadata is organized in layers. Layers logically separate information of a project. Table 1 presents OpenEmbedded[3] metadata layer types.

The complete list of github SW metadata repositories used in this project includes Yocto layers, the Raspberry π board support package (BSP) layer, a SW layer with custom recipes including target and distribution definitions, and the build configuration itself.

In short, users fetch metadata in contrast to the real data fetched later during the OS build. See Section 4 for details. It means that users decide where to store fetched metadata. It is nice to have all layer sub-directories in one system location. In these instructions it is referred as <META-DIR>. The second directory to create is the <BUILD-DIR>. This is where the build and the build configuration live. I suggest that <BUILD-DIR> is not inside <META-DIR> to not mix data and metadata.

layer type contents

base base metadata for the build
machine aka BSP hardware (HW) support
distribution policy configuration
SW additional SW
miscellaneous do not fall in upper categories

Table 1: metadata layer types as defined by OpenEmbedded[3]

file type extension purpose

recipe bb SW build instructions
recipe bbappend SW recipe modification
class bbclass shared instructions
config conf build directives
config inc shared build directives

Table 2: metadata file types

2.2 meta-thc

Following the OpenEmbedded metadata classification, meta-thc is a SW layer as there are SW recipes. On the other hand, it is a distribution layer because it defines a new distribution based on poky. See <META-DIR>/thc/meta-thc/conf/distro/thc.conf. In addition, there is an image recipe to build a target in <META-DIR>/thc/meta-thc/recipes-core/images/

This allows for an effective isolation of machine, distribution and image features of the OS. The layer includes also shell scripts to clone metadata and to export the OS image on SD-card. These may be found in <META-DIR>/thc/meta-thc/bin. Learn more in following sections. See next the contents of meta-thc. The system location of the layer is <META-DIR>/thc/meta-thc by default.


2.3 automation

There is a shell script to clone all metadata from public github repositories. It may serve people to build their own OS for Raspberry π. The script performs metadata fetch, the bitbake initialisation and a simple metadata verification.

# name:    metafetch 
# purpose: clone rpi metadata 
# code: 
LONGSFX=$(head -c 1000 /dev/random | tr -dc a-z) 
SFX=$(expr " $LONGSFX" : ".*\(.\{3\}\)") 
unset LONGSFX 
XNAME=$(basename $0) 
say() { printf ":: $XNAME :: $*\n"; } 
die() { say $* && exit 0 || kill $$; } 
use() {    # print options and quit 
    printf " 
\t $XNAME <options> 
    option        \t purpose                 \t default 
    -h            \t print this              \t usage 
    -d            \t dry run                 \t wet run 
    -g            \t switch to git protocol  \t https protocol 
    -r <branch>   \t branch                  \t $BRANCH 
    -m <metadir>  \t metadata directory      \t $DEFMETADIR 
    -b <buildir>  \t build directory         \t $DEFBUILDIR 
confirm() {    # get confirmation or quit 
    read -p "please confirm (y/n) " choix 
    [ "$choix" == "y" ] && say confirmed || die 
[ "$SFX" ] || die try again 
while getopts ":m:b:r:hgd" option; do    # parce command-line options 
    case $option in 
        m ) METADIR=$OPTARG;; 
        b ) BUILDIR=$OPTARG;; 
        r ) BRANCH=$OPTARG;; 
        g ) FETCHER=$GITFETCHER;; 
        d ) DRYRUN=yes;; 
        h ) use;; 
        * ) use;; 
# check system path 
[ -d $METADIR ] || mkdir -p $METADIR || die $? cannot create $METADIR 
[ -d $BUILDIR ] || mkdir -p $BUILDIR || die $? cannot create $BUILDIR 
METADIR=$(realpath $METADIR) && say "metadata:\t $METADIR" || die $? cannot find $METADIR 
BUILDIR=$(realpath $BUILDIR) && say "build:\t $BUILDIR" || die $? cannot find $BUILDIR 
say "branch:\t $BRANCH" 
say "protocol:\t $FETCHER" 
declare -A REPO 
REPO=(    # associative git repository array 
[ "$DRYRUN" ] || confirm 
for repo in ${!REPO[@]}; do    # clone repositories 
    command="git clone -b $BRANCH $FETCHER$repo ${REPO[$repo]}" 
    say $command 
    [ "$DRYRUN" ] || $command 
[ "$DRYRUN" ] && die 
# adjust bibtbake layer configuration 
sed -i s#/home/yocto/layer#$METADIR#g $BUILDIR/conf/bblayers.conf || die sed $? 
# bitbake environment initialisation 
cd $METADIR/poky && pwd || die $? cannot find $METADIR/poky 
[ -f $OEINIT ] && . ./$OEINIT $BUILDIR || die $? cannot find $OEINIT 
bitbake-layers show-layers 
echo && say "how to start a new build" 
printf " 
cd $METADIR/poky 
bitbake $TARGET 

Do not copy/paste metafetch. Download it here. Note the associative array REPO. It defines the remote and local system path of repositories. The script is designed in a way that after a successful run one may start a build with bitbake. Do not forget to grant permissions to make script executable. It takes <META-DIR> and <BUILD-DIR> names from the command-line. You may use next examples to run metafetch. Running the script without command-line options like the first example results in some default configuration. You may want to specify custom directories like the second example. Otherwise the script will use default values. The default github protocol is https but I recommend using secure shell (SSH) because it is an order of magnitude faster. You may need to export one SSH public key to your github account. Use the command-line option -g to switch protocol. The default git branch is kirkstone. Use -h to see all CLI options.

  chmod +x metafetch 
  ./metafetch -m <META-DIR> -b <BUILD-DIR> 
  ./metafetch -g

3 configuration

Build configuration is in <BUILD-DIR>/conf, check files local.conf and bblayers.conf. Yocto layers are specified in bblayers.conf. The build directives are in local.conf. Variables in this file control the build. Sometimes I call these directives to avoid repetitions. To not mix them, I have isolated target HW specific directives. Two possible targets are defined in <BUILD-DIR>/conf/ and <BUILD-DIR>/conf/ The host configuration is optional. See the bottom lines in <BUILD-DIR>/conf/local.conf for details. Note the difference between the optional include and not optional require. The latter will interrupt the build configuration if the corresponding file does not exist.

3.1 directives

Directives control the build. It is not always easy to understand their meaning and their relations. For example, some directives change values of other directives. What is more, bitbake syntax is pretty complicated. In result, your life may become unbearable if the build configuration is too long. See next an alphabetical list of some important build configuration directives.

3.2 classes

Find bitbake classes in <META-DIR>/poky/meta/classes. For example rm_work.bbclass defines a specific task for packages to remove intermediate files generated during the build. This decreases storage space about twice. Those who want to keep the working data and have enough storage space may comment the next line in local.conf.

Another class, extrausers.bbclass, is used with the directive EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS to manage OS users and passwords. In example, it may be useful to define a superuser password.

  INHERIT:append = " rm_work"

config file INIT_MANAGER TCLIBC status

poky.conf sysvinit glibc fine
poky-bleeding.conf sysvinit glibc unknown
poky-altcfg.conf systemd glibc unknown
poky-tiny.conf mdev-busybox musl unknown

Table 3: reference distribution configurations

4 build

It is very likely that you will need to install Yocto requirements[12] to be able to run bitbake. The list of Yocto sanity checked distributions currently includes poky-3.3, poky-3.4, Ubuntu-18.04, Ubuntu-20.04, Ubuntu-22.04, Fedora-37, Debian-11, OpenSUSEleap-15.3 and AlmaLinux-8.8. However, I do builds on Manjaro - a not officially supported GNU/Linux distribution - and it works fine.

4.1 requirements

Ensure that the following packages are installed.

Find more details in Yocto documentation at [12]. You may need to install in addition diffstat, unzip, texinfo, chrpath, wget, xterm, sdl, rpcsvc-proto, socat, cpio, lz4, gawk, findutils, crypt, mtools and inetutils. As a double check, make sure to have the following command-line tools on your host machine: chrpath, diffstat, lz4c, rpcgen, bash, bzip2, file, grep, patch, sed and mdir.

The complete list of packages to install on Manjaro includes git, tar, python, gcc, make, chrpath, cpio, diffstat, patch, rpcsvc-proto.

Fetched metadata requires only 412MB of free space. In contrast the OS build may need up to 30GB or even 50GB if intermediate files are kept. Read about the bitbake class rm_work in Section 3.

4.2 environment

The primary build tool of OpenEmbedded based projects, such as Yocto is bitbake. To initialise bitbake build environment navigate to <META-DIR>/poky and source the initialization script like the next command.

  source oe-init-build-env <BUILD-DIR>

The script changes the system path to <BUILD-DIR>. Next, you may want to run the following command to check project layers.

  bitbake-layers show-layers

Alternatively, source the dedicated portable operating system interface (POSIX) script <META-DIR>/thc/meta-thc/bin/yoctoinit. First of all, uncomment the two lines in the script to define the system path to <META-DIR> and <BUILD-DIR>. In addition to the environment initialisation, the script defines some useful functions. Have a look at the code for details.

The target core-image-thc is a compact OS image with a X server and a running GUI system performance monitor[7] based on [2]. Run next command to build the OS.

  bitbake core-image-thc

Unless your host machine is a supercomputer, this will take at least two hours. Find a list of tasks performed by bitbake for a typical SW package in Table 4. If a build is interrupted during a fetch task, this could be the connection with a server. A simple rerun of bitbake may solve this issue. If not, you may try rebuild the target responsible for the failure. See next how to do this.

  bitbake <target> -c clean && bitbake <target>

4.3 flow

The build happens in <BUILD-DIR>. Table 5 presents a list of important <BUILD-DIR> sub-directories.

Source archives are saved in the download directory. They are extracted, configured, compiled and installed in the work directory. Built packages are stored in the package directory. Finally, following the build configuration packages are unpacked to create the OS image found in the image directory. The build flow is summarised in Table 5.

task description

do_fetch fetch the source code
do_unpack unpack the source code
do_patch apply patches to the source
do_configure source configuration
do_compile compile the source code
do_install copy files to the holding area
do_populate_sysroot copy files to the staging area
do_package analyse holding area
do_package_qa check quality
do_package_write_rpm deploy SW package in rpm format
do_package_qa quality checks on the package

Table 4: bitbake tasks

name location description

configuration conf build configuration files
download downloads fetched SW source code archives
work tmp/work working directory
package tmp/deploy/rpm final SW packages in rpm format
image tmp/deploy/images boot files, kernels and images

Table 5: bitbake workflow

5 install

The OS includes a kernel ARM, 64bit boot executable image of 23MB, a Raspberry π configuration of Linux 5.15. This is a long - term support (LTS) kernel release. The total size of kernel modules is 21MB.

Yocto provides multiple package and image formats. Different ways exist to install images on SD-card. The OS has two partitions - /root and /boot. There are no swap and home partitions.

I recommend the classic command-line tool dd to copy data. It works fine with different image formats like rpi-sdimg, hddimg and wic. The last one is recommended. Find the SD-card device name, for example /dev/<xxx>, unmount it with umount if mounted, and do copy data with the next command.

  dd if=core-image-thc-raspberrypi4-64.wic of=/dev/<xxx> status=progress

Alternatively, there is a dedicated POSIX shell script - <META-DIR>/thc/meta-thc/bin/burn. Use the command-line option -h for details. The transfer does not take long. When it is over, replace the card to Raspberry π and turn it on. That’s it.

6 run

Wireless connection is established via classic command-line tools like ip[1] and iw. The dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) client is udhcpc[1], and wpa_passphrase[10] stores WiFi connections. A dedicated POSIX shell script named is installed in /usr/bin, as well as a running GUI system performance monitor[7]. The application uses Dear ImGui[2] library and is configured to start automatically on boot.

# name: 
# purpose: wifi connection 
# code:    kaloyansen at gmail dot com 
# require: wpa_passphrase, wpa_supplicant, ip, iw, grep, awk 
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# files 
MYNAME=‘basename $0 
# command-line tools 
die() { echo $MYNAME $* && exit 0; } 
say() { echo $MYNAME $*; } 
auto() { # enable wifi connection on boot 
    patch=auto\ $WIFACE 
    say $patch 
    grep "$patch" $1 > /dev/null || printf " 
# wpa-roam $WPACONF 
" >> $1; 
[ "$USER" == "root" ] || die run with root privileges 
# get wifi interface and network ssid 
IWD=‘$IW dev 
WIFACE=‘echo $IWD | grep Interface | awk {print $3} 
SSID=‘getopt s: $* | awk {print $2} 
say whoami: $0 
[ $SSID ] && say network: $SSID || die specify network: $MYNAME -s SSID 
[ $WIFACE ] && say interface: $WIFACE || die wireless interface not found 
# verify connexion 
echo $IWD | grep $SSID > /dev/null && die $SSID connected || say connecting $SSID 
# up interface 
$IP link show $WIFACE | grep UP > /dev/null || $IP link set $WIFACE up 
# search network 
$IW $WIFACE scan | grep $SSID > /dev/null || die cannot find $SSID 
# die debug $FINE 
# 1. save network in $WPACONF 
[ $FINE ] && say $SSID already configured || $WPAPASS $SSID >> $WPACONF 
# 2. configure wifi to start on boot in $IFCONF 
[ -f $IFCONF ] && auto $IFCONF || die $IFCONF not found 
# 3. reboot 
say reboot in six seconds   && sleep 3 
say reboot in three seconds && sleep 2 
say reboot in one second    && sleep 1 
# yeah no kidding 
reboot & die see you later || kill $$ 
# control files 
# process id files 
# recreate wpa socket 
$WPASUPP -B -D wext -i $WIFACE -c $WPACONF || say cannot create $WPASOCKET 
# start a dhcp client 
$DHCP -i $WIFACE || die $? 
$IP addr show $WIFACE 
$IW $WIFACE link 
$IP route show

Do not copy/paste the script. It may be downloaded here but it is already installed on the target OS. Specify network id from the command line with a short command-line option -s. See next example usage. -s <SSID>

The script asks for the network password to store it encrypted for future connections. Once an internet protocol (IP) address is assigned to Raspberry π network device, the SSH server by Dropbear[5] allows for secure remote login, control and file transfer.

A client is needed to transmit mails to some simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server. Here this functionality is powered by a compact SMTP client called msmtp[8]. To configure user email account edit <META-DIR>/thc/meta-thc/recipes-extended/msmtp/msmtp/.msmtp.conf on the host machine or ~/.msmtp.conf on the target machine. In both cases the msmtp configuration is performed on the target machine. Use the following command to run configuration functions, including generation of a security key, encryption of your password and the client configuration. Privacy is assured and security protected by GnuPG[4].


7 outlook

This reports the progress in the development of a custom Linux-based OS for Raspberry π[9]. The kernel version of this embedded OS is Linux release 5.15. A GUI system performance monitor application[7] is built as a part of the OS image. In addition, an SSH server provides remote connection, data transfer and device control.

As the OS is now functional, performance and real-time tests are ongoing. For precision measurements the OS has to be tested both on the target platform and on virtual HW via emulators, e.g. quick emulator (QEMU) <META-DIR>/poky/scripts/runqemu.



board support package


command-line interface


dynamic host configuration protocol


GNU is not UNIX


graphical user interface




internet protocol


long - term support


operating system


portable operating system interface


quick emulator


simple mail transfer protocol


secure shell





Erik Andersen. BusyBox. 2023. url: (visited on 2023).


Omar Cornut. Dear ImGui. 2023. url: (visited on 2023).


Open Enbedded. OpenEmbedded. 2017. url: (visited on 2023).


GNU. GnuPG. 2024. url: (visited on 2024).


Matt Johnston. Dropbear SSH. 2023. url: (visited on 2023).


Kaloyan Krastev. An Embedded Operating System with a Graphical System Performance Monitor on Raspberry π. 2023. url: (visited on 2023).


Kaloyan Krastev. A Compact Graphical System Performance Monitor. 2024. url: (visited on 2024).


Martin Lambers. msmtp. 2024. url: (visited on 2023).


Raspberry π Ltd. Raspberi π. 2023. url: (visited on 2023).


Jouni Malinen. WPA Supplicant. 2013. url: (visited on 2023).


Yocto Project. Yocto Project. 2023. url: (visited on 2023).


Yocto Project. Yocto Project Quick Build. 2023. url: (visited on 2023).

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