kalo public repos

code by Kaloyan Krastev

Last update: Friday 24th May, 2024, revision: 3111

year description stack link
2024 async data web socket python, asyncio code
2024 sinfo compact system monitor c/c++ doc
2023 custom linux on Raspberry π bitbake/sh/python doc
2023 introduction to linux latex pdf
2022 web access personalization perl/docker code
2022 django web applications python/docker code
2021 mode view office controllers php/javascript doc
2020 inforouleau banner javascript demo
2017 public repositories latex here
2008 multijets in photoproduction latex pdf
2007 experimental data analysis c++ code

Table 1: recent projects


Figure 1: custom linux for sinfo system monitor running on Raspberry π - 4 - model B (behind a 7” touchscreen module)

about the author

A software developer since 2000 with more than twenty years of experience on linux platforms, the author has designed applications with command-line, web and graphical user interfaces. The source code is in multiple object-oriented programming languages, mainly python and C++. Recently working on embedded operating systems design and applications for embedded devices (see Figure 1). Learn more in his CV.

Kaloyan Krastev has done precise measurements, experimental data analysis and online visualization during his education (a PhD in particle physics) and later in science, industry and for fun. In addition, he is an expert in open-source software. A lot of technical writing and almost one hundred talks were presented during his professional career in Bulgaria, Germany, Italy and France. Find a linked list to his recent projects in Table 1.


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